Sunday, October 30, 2016


Nowadays, creativity is more important than ever. Many companies use their users and fans in order to generate ideas for a new product or on order to upgrade an existing product or appearance of one. Many companies like “outsourcing” those tasks to the user since they know first hand what they would like a products to look like and what they would like it do. Twitter has gained a lot from its user’s creativity. Hyperlinks are a great example of how Twitter used one of its user’s creativity; back in 2007, Chris Messina, an early Twitter user first used the hashtag feature of his Tweets. He contacted the company and ask them to make it an official feature, but they let him down and said that it would not stick. However, the hashtag feature became more popular as the time went by and many users started using it often. Nowadays, Twitter uses the hashtag in order to provide its users with an hyperlink to see all the stories and updates that contains the hashtaged word. 
Another example will be the word ’Tweets”. The term was actually first used by users and not the company itself. Once Twitter noticed that many people started using the term, it applied to make Tweets an official  trademark.  

Creativity and New Media

I decided to create my own avatar on Second Life. To get started, I first created my online profile and downloaded the app to my computer. There re several avatars to choose from, although I was looking forward to designing my avatar from scratch. I chose the below avatar because I felt that it is the one that looks the most like me. I was very fascinated by the Second Life app, it was my first time using it and I was very impressed.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

A virtual world is a computer based simulated environment that lets users engage in everyday activities online while being able to create their own avatar and surroundings. There are also many virtual worlds environments that are based on specific and real places such as neighborhoods, clubs and venues. Virtual worlds can be used for many different kinds of online interaction; communication between colleges on a regular basis, conducting meetings within a company or between different companies and even for just socializing with people. 
I believe that the pros of a virtual world are that geographic location becomes irrelevant, the comfort of interaction of one’s office/home and the ability to collaborate with people on a level that makes the user more confident to speak his mind and to not feel pressured by his surroundings. The cons on the other hand are that it might affect one’s ability to function and express himself in the real world and that sharing personal information and data online can often be dangerous. 
I think that virtual worlds foster creativity since it allows the user to be more relaxed. In a virtual world the user can interact with others from his home or office which are two locations that he feels comfortable in. It allows the user to express himself better since there is less of a stage fright feeling since the user isn't actually surrounded by many people. 
I believe that the future for the virtual world holds very exciting and innovative opportunities; it can be used in the medical field and for research. It can also advance companies and allow them to cooperate with other companies around the world just like in the Second Life System. 
Virtual worlds can also help low self esteem people who are too afraid to go out there and interact with people. It can allow them to hang out in their local bars and find other users in their area and “spend” quality time over the web. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog about Twitter

A twitter discussion is similar to a BlackBoard discussion and in class discussion in some ways. It is a convenient platform to express one’s thoughts and opinions. However, I believe that it is less preferable than in-class discussion. In class discussion encourages on the spot  participation which allows people to express their views in a spontaneous way. Also, in an in-class discussion all student are exposed to other’s answers. While on Twitter and BB students choose which post to read and to respond to. 
A twitter discussion is more similar to a BB discussion. One expresses his views and chooses which other posts to read and to comment on. 

Social Networking Sites

The basic structure of all social networking sites is pretty similar. Each site consists of a user profile and allows the user to follow their friends, family and acquaintances. As defined by Wikipedia " A social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations), sets of dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actor". Even though all sites share the target goal, each site varies in its content and features.

For example, Facebook is an online social networking sites that allows users to create their own profile. The site's features include the ability to post statuses (with no word count limit), post images, share videos and even to create events. Users can add others as the friend, but the other party must approve the request before it is confirmed.
Snapchat is another leading social networking site which is now the 3rd most popular app in the U.S. The app allows users to create their own profile and send their friends and followers images and videos. A user can add friends by user name or by a phone number. Snapchat most used feature is "My Story" which allows all followers to see what images and videos the users posts throughout the day. Not long ago, Snapchat added a new feature that enables users to see videos from their favorite sites and channels; such as the food network and
A similar app which is based on photos is Instagram. The app allows user to create their own profile and upload photos to share with friends, loved ones and fans. The app offers many different designs and themes to upgrade any picture the user wishes. Users can follow others by user name or phone number.
Twitter is an additional app that is very popular in the U.S. The app allows user to tweet statuses that are limited to 140 characters long. One can also share photos and videos on his profile. Since the word count is limited the tweets are usually short and to the point. After researching Twitter a little I found out the many people use it in order to keep up with news and to stay informed. During the Hudson crash Twitter users tweeted from the scene even before reporters arrived. 

I believe that all the sites/apps I stated above are very user friendly and easy to navigate. People who use social networking sites often usually use all of the four since each one has its own unique feature that they like best.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Social Networking

Social networking can be used for many different reasons, some of them are; to stay in touch with loved ones, to stay up to date with politics and and current events, to fill up spare time, to share our opinions, to entertain ourselves and even find a job. 
A relatively new social networking site is LinkedIn; a business and employment-oriented site that operates via websites. Once a user creates a profile he can upload and share his work experience, his C/V and skills. One of the assigned reading elaborates on how social networking has boosted job recruiting. Many job recruiters are now looking for potential job candidates online through user’s profile. A job recruiter can search for a candidate by running a search with key words that will match one’s skills and experience. According to Maureen Crawford- Hertz “Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever”. I believe in the future it will definitely be easier for people to find a job. It will also benefit job recruiters greatly since they can find several potential candidates by a push of a button. 
Another reason people use social networking is in order to stay up to date with current events and to voice their opinions. For example, people nowadays post daily statuses and shares on their user’s page about the presidency race. People use the social network platform in order to see what others are posting and make up their opinion aboutbl each candidate. Later on, each user uploads his opinion and backs it up with an article/ a video in order to try to influence others to support his chosen candidate. I believe such activities are welcome because it makes people more involved and knowledgable. 
I believe there is a “dark side” of social networking. Ultimately, all the information we give to those social networking sites are stored online and can be accesses by the sites and by hackers. According to Knowledge@Wharton, “Few of these users realize that the information they post, when combined with new technologies for gathering and compiling data, can create a fingerprint-like pattern of behavior”.